Osaka Traveloge Part 4.0

Monday, April 25, 2016

Final day in Osaka!

Final Day

So on the final day we journeyed to Nara Park to see the deer and the temple there. We also explored Dotonburi at night (which is a street like Orchard Road) but more on that later. Onward to the deer!

 Moar cherry blossoms!

 Lunchtime was pasta and ...


Did I mention that vending machines were every where? 

 And I mean, every where.

 ... See what I mean

And the highlight of the day was possibly visiting the OWL CAFE!!! Yes that's right, it's a cafe you get to eat cakes, drink tea and stroke owls' beaks. *wriggles eyebrows suggestively* okay there was in inside joke among some friends that I can stroke beaks fairly well, after I showed them a video of me doing said action.





 Owl cafe Dotonburi, or as it's called, the Lucky Owl. You were one of the highlights of my trip.

Well that wasn't enough, we also visited a CAT CAFE at dotonburi!! SO MANY CATS.

The beef wagyu slices we had at night from a street stall.

 And also the delicious meal my dad and uncle cooked us on our last night there.

SNAX HAUL. seriously. So. Much. Snax. But I've probably given out half already? Hehe. If you're a friend and would like some snax please tell me.

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—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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