ArtScience and a little fun

Friday, October 06, 2017

In this post, I'll be documenting the 2 trips I've been to the museums here in Singapore. The first trip's pictures to ArtScience Museum for Yayoi Kasuma's exhibition are nestled in between the April, May, June post, towards the end! So for these two trips, I went to see the Universe Art, and Xiu Hai Lou Chinese Ink exhibitions at ArtScience Museum and National Gallery respectively. Not much commentary I'm afraid, but do take a look see and decide if you'd like to visit ArtScience Museum/National Gallery on your next fly-in to Singapore, or the weekend off.

The Universe and Art

 A short introduction to the Universe Art exhibition.

A star map of the sky carved on stone and inked. Imagine the time needed to mirror inverse the whole thing and ink it on paper!

Princess Kaguya's story. Legend has that a princess descended to the Earth from the moon, and spent a joyous few years with the King of Japan. When it was finally time for her to leave, the royal family was heartbroken. The scroll documents her story and her parting words.

Another start map. This one is also Chinese I think.

The world's first ever telescope. Pretty marvellous if you think about how a modern day telescope looks entirely the same! 

An alternate map to the universe.

Looking pensively into a print.

One of the pieces of Modern Art on display. It has something to do with space (both outer space and space as a concept) and constellations.

Another piece of modern art.

Xiu Hai Lou Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition

As you've noticed from the lack of commentary that I'm not exactly well versed in Chinese Ink Painting, though Mama Bao was there and she could recognise all the works by the different maestros.

Ancient Chinese calligraphy.

This artist is famed for painting horses. One of his works can sell for upwards of US$3m!

Another artist with a very distinct style.

This concludes my 2 part visit to ArtScience and National Gallery. Stay tuned for August and September updates next ~<3

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—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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