August Favourites - Facial Mists, Shampoos and Hair Vitamins

Monday, August 09, 2021

August is always a month of abundance. In Asian culture, the number 8 is associated with luck and infinity, the latter of which suggests wholeness and prosperity. In today's post, I'm sharing some of my non-sponsored August beauty products - an all-purpose facial mist, a scalp-purifying shampoo and a long-lasting, oil-based perfume. Come on in!

The first item, is an all-purpose facial spray that helps to refresh and purify the skin, or even your make-up, is Nature Republic's Aloe-Vera 92% Gel Mist.

Aloe-Vera is a known ingredient that helps to calm inflamed or irritated skin, and can help to cure bumpy comedones that are trapped under the epidermis. Use this spray as a skin refreshant during hot days; use it as a toner after washing your skin with face wash, or even to refresh made-up skin to create that mochi or glass skin effect after applying your facial powder or liquid foundation on your skin! 

Create a dewy and glass effect on both made-up and make-up-free skin with this aloe-vera mist spray. I love this spray a lot and am halfway through the first bottle. The funniest thing was, I chanced upon it at the store and it was just what I was looking for in a facial mist - moisturizing, refreshing and organic. 

In the future, I wouldn't mind also using a vitamin-infused facial spray. In the meantime, use this great product and swap out your spring water facial sprays.

Secondly, the other product I want to recommend is the Ellips Hair Vitamin. 

You might be wondering, what is a hair vitamin? It's a hair mask, hair oil and leave-in product all in one.

I'll leave my dear readers to do a little homework on the ingredients. This product is great for chemically-treated hair as a pre-heat, heat-protecting hair oil. After using it for about 1.5 months, I did notice a change in the texture of my hair - it's lighter and sleeker. As someone who has bleached my hair a couple of times, and one who blowdries my hair every other day, this product is great! Almost a godsend even. Previously, I was using a green tea, olive oil-based fusion hair oil - which I noticed was great for scent, but not long-lasting in the texture department. This product, which you apply on towel-dried hair, actually activates in the heat and enters your hair's "keratin scales", smoothening the surface of your hair.

The third product that is my August favourite is the OGX Charcoal Shampoo. You probably know by now that I'm big on active ingredients in my beauty products, and charcoal is a great ingredient for purification and de-greasing. Reminds me a little of the charcoal pills you take for your indigestion or food poisoning - the same concept applies to this shampoo! This product is great for oily scalps with clogged follicles or even dandruff-prone hair as charcoal is an ingredient that absorbs impurities, leaving your scalp cleansed and clean after each usage.

I'm still working on my affiliate links, but if you'd like to order any of these products, do get in touch with me at baototherescue[at]!

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