#2021 Flashback - 22 Things

Monday, January 03, 2022


2021 was a sobering year. I started to get more responsibilities, whether I knew of them or not, in both my private and professional life. I cut off an unhealthy part of my life - mostly the boozing and fraternizing (wow what a bombastic word!). I organized my life around the people who mattered, in both my personal and work lives. Here's a 2021 recap of what happened in the year. Come on in~

Let's see if we can hit #37 things for our #2021 recap!

  1. Put together a scrapbook style dream board for team-bonding at work.
  2. Tried Chinese loklok for the first time.
  3. Put together my first charcuterie board.
  4. Attended Bell's wedding to her beau (last long!)
  5. Celebrated my birthday with the dudes and babes.
  6. Had Yan's Dining for the first time - fine dining Shanghainese food!
  7. Tried Orchard Lobster Porridge and Teochew Cold Crab for the first time (yes, don't judge me, my milestones revolve around food).
  8. Made feta cheese and tomato pasta for what was the start of months of cooking pasta
  9. Won a competition with Scarlet women's health! It was my first time winning an online competition.
  10. Started my morning/night breakfast/supper ritual of Chinese porridge. It's like a bowl of congee with Chinese banchans!
  11. Started French and proceeded to A1.1!
  12. Started new ventures relating to Fine Arts.
  13. Finally took the plunge and bleached my hair.
  14. Visited Jewel and attempted the sky garden/bridge - I couldn't complete it given my new fear of heights. (I never knew I was afraid of heights before then!)
  15. Tried cooking beef bourgignon and chicken fricassee for the first time to a rousing success.
  16. Had Jap BBQ with S, one of the only times I saw her that year.
  17. Started taking adult dance classes, which was really quite intimidating for me.
  18. Visited Potato Folk for the first time in the year, to amazing delicious burgers.
  19. Had hotpots near the end of the year to celebrate the winding down of the year.
  20. Started multiple blogs to write about pop culture and also VC/PE lyfe.
  21. Organized Christmas dinner and prepared my first cheese board (as I have been practicing the whole year for that one moment!)
  22. New Years' Dinner with the fam by organizing another wine and cheese night.  
Wonder what year 2022 will have in store for everyone! My wish is that COVID-19 ceases soon and for the darn disease to stop mutating. Also to progress, work-wise!

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“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”

—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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