3 Types of Body Washes for Smoother Skin

Friday, January 07, 2022

Today's topic will be a subject close to many ladies' hearts - our skin! And not just the skin on our faces, like many of my past posts, are about, including ways to look like you're wearing makeup without actually using makeup, achieving glass/mochi skin and also places where you can get great facials, such as at New York Skin Solutions or Adisha Torre, two of the facial places I frequent.

From the picture above, you're probably wondering what today's topic might be. This is a painting of Cleopatra by artist Gerard de Lairesse - she was famous for both her beauty and wits, and legend has it that she actually avoided having a war with Julius Caesar and his forces by rolling herself in a carpet and getting it delivered to his quarters! And of course, her skin was dazzling. So today, we will be talking about both ancient and more technologically-advanced ingredients for good overall skin on your body. Come on in!

1) Royal Honey Jelly

Cutting straight to the chase, let's talk about ingredients that Cleopatra herself was rumoured to use in her daily rituals, where she took honey and milk baths daily. This ingredient was rare in the past and even considered the food of the Greek gods, Ambrosia

Honey is said to have anti-bacterial and anti-oxidative effects on the skin, as well as soothing and calming qualities. This is why honey is used in many baby products and products for people with skin issues. They also help to regulate the cytokines in your skin, which are essential in your body's anti-inflammatory responses.

2) Rice

Used in a popular product starting with SK, rice is said to have anti-ageing properties and also is good for your skin's immune system. Rice is also said to improve the skin barrier and also mattify oil skin. This is because 16% of rice composes of proteins essentials to your skin, and the other portions help to soothe, strengthen and fortify your skin barrier.

3) Niacinamide

This new ingredient that was discovered recently by doctors, is said to slow down ageing, increase the health of the skin's natural barrier and also fortify the skin. You can use it as a body wash, a facial product or even... a supplement like a vitamin!

The product I use everyday is Olay Bodyscience Cleansing and Nourishing Creme Wash, which has niacinamide, vitamins and hyaluronic acid - all ingredients good for our skin. You can find them on Amazon here and here.

I've also included and little Amazon shop with body washes of the 3 mentioned ingredients that you can browse through. Just a small disclaimer that these are affiliate links so I do earn a bit (not much!) if you decide to purchase!

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—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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