Four makes April

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Before we realised it, April has descended upon us. It's now Q2 of the year 2018. Little less than 7 months to go at the time of writing this! So what shenanigans has Sasha Bear been up to this month? Step inside for a look!

I love this dress - bought it from a shop named FRANCO in One Raffles Place! It looks really nice paired with this pearl bumble bee necklace I got from Robinsons.

P.S. did I tell you I bought a new pair of spectacles? They're from OWNDAYS and they rock!

Went to Kinki's with the gang minus JM who was at a gala dinner:

Unnamed meat steak.

Beef rice.

Another fish dish.

Osaka pizza. A sort of breaded bottom with seafood, topped off with fish flakes, or bonito.

Ming's bachelorette is next! We had a leisurely time at Orchid Country Club, which was suggested because I spent two weeks there in October-December and found it marvellous. It was almost as if we were in Bintan or Batam for the weekend! Definitely recommend it to anyone who would like a weekend away from home or Singapore.

Dinner was at Himawari, a quaint Japanese place at Orchid Country Club.

Love their double winding stairways. Perfect for a photo opportunity!

At night, we played PSYCH and then took a quick break for nap time. After which we woke up for mask time!

The second day, we checked out and spent the whole day lounging at the pool. We talked about everything under the sun, and bumped into some guy friends too! Sun, chicken wings, beers, friends, pool: some of my favourite things all together.

P.S. Check out my PSYCH scores! Haha I was on a roll these two rounds.

Soon it is Ming's wedding! Shan't post too many photos out of courtesy to the Bride and Groom.

Gate crash was hilarious to say the least.

This was the wedding march in.

Next was Zul's wedding at Concorde. What a happy occasion as well. :) Many smiles to go around.

Other occasions include: Zan's wedding and Kal's farewell BBQ.

I'm so sad Kal has left for Canada, but I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavours and new life! And that she comes to Singapore often to see us. :P

So that sums up April 2018. 3 weddings, a barbecue, Japanese food galore and selfies. Wonder what the rest of the year brings.

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“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”

—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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