November, rolling into December, is always a period of rest and reflection for me. Other than the hustle and bustle of December and preparing for Christmas dinner, there are always parties to go to and people from the year to meet. And during this festive time, you definitely need to look your best, so I'll be sharing with you some beauty and make-up products I've been using this end of years! Come on in!
Okay guys (and ladies) - I know I have been neglecting my blog and some of you are awaiting my long overdue May/June travelogues to Phuket and Bali (I will post them soon, promise!). And there's also my annual yearly round-up as per the tradition of Speak to me in Kisses (my blog name, in case you were wondering).
But before all that, I'd like to write an update on my experience with Adisha Torre, my facialist, as I am nearing my (current) package with them ever since starting 2 years ago! Click on the "Continue Reading" link below to read my post!
Today's topic will be a subject close to many ladies' hearts - our skin! And not just the skin on our faces, like many of my past posts, are about, including ways to look like you're wearing makeup without actually using makeup, achieving glass/mochi skin and also places where you can get great facials, such as at New York Skin Solutions or Adisha Torre, two of the facial places I frequent.
August is always a month of abundance. In Asian culture, the number 8 is associated with luck and infinity, the latter of which suggests wholeness and prosperity. In today's post, I'm sharing some of my non-sponsored August beauty products - an all-purpose facial mist, a scalp-purifying shampoo and a long-lasting, oil-based perfume. Come on in!
[Review] Non-Invasive Fat Loss Treatments - CoolScupt / Zeltic vs. Zerona / Cold-Laser vs. Vanquish ME / Exilis Ultra vs Lipo Laser vs Ultrasound Cavitation
Friday, July 02, 2021
Itchy, Frizzy and Orangey Hair? Shampoos and Conditioners Under $50 that Solve Your Hair Problems!
Tuesday, March 09, 2021[Review] EverSoft Skinz Clear Care and Youth Recall - Affordable Asian Skincare Brand with Natural Ingredients
Friday, February 26, 2021
Hello my lovely blog viewers, how is everyone? Has COVID-19 and Work-from-Home been treating you well? I hope everything is alright for my special readers from all around the world and that the rest of 2020 will be kind to you. Today, I am writing a review for a very interesting facial and aesthetic clinic in Singapore that I love, love, LOVE! I will be describing their treatments and products - if you're looking for a good facial place, this might just be the one for you. So what are you waiting for? Come on in!
How to Get Rid of Comedones/Whiteheads + Back Acne/"Backne" + Rosacea + Eczema + Dermatitis (MIRACLE PRODUCT + Save Money!)
Sunday, November 18, 2018