5 Small Things - December 2020

Monday, December 14, 2020


Hello my dears, how has everyone been these wonderous few months? As expected, growing up isn't easy for the typical millennial, but we make do. December is the month of the Turquoise, which is a blazing, cerulean blue gemstone that brings the wearer good luck and fortune. It's a month of reflections and today, I will be doing a simple 5 Small Things post before my annual 2020 wrap-up.

The "5 Small Things" is a gratitude journal that helps us to enunciate and visualize the blessings we have received in life. It also echoes and boosts our feel-good moods by helping us remember the happy things that have happened during the course of the day, week or month. 

Are you ready? Here are my 5 Small Things for this period of time:

1. Joined my current company in September after interfacing with them for a few years. September was officially the day that my work started with my current company. Always feel a sense of gratitude knowing that there is a bedrock that I can rely on even in the turbulent times of COVID-19.

2. Moving our office to Asia Square. A beautiful, panoramic of the Marina Bay skyline is something money can't buy. Wide-open spaces and beautifully crafted glass skyscrapers leave the viewer in awe and also opens us up to the fortune currents near CBD.

3. I've surmounted more challenges at work. I've become more resilient to the fast pace of working in a company that values speed and accuracy. In a way, these 3 months seemed like 6 months as I got used to the working style of our management. Clearing deadlines have always been my forte and I'd like to keep it that way! 

4. Found a way to relax during the weekend. Coming to the end of this year, I have realized that socializing, going out and gathering in gaggles, aren't the food of the soul. Interacting with other people can sometimes be very tiring, especially if they have some hidden agenda in mind. What's wrong with staying at home and destressing to piano music?

5. I love my Rye. Gratitude and also humbled by this guy, Mr Rye, who've been at my side for the better part of 2 years, always challenging me in ways I don't perceive yet... 

If I die... It's because of Mr Rye.

Wow, what a dark rhyme. 

That's all the time we have for today folks!



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