2020 MEGA Round-Up!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

2020 was not the easiest year. Right after Pisces season, COVID-19 hit like a hurricane and sent us reeling. There was panic buying, a mini-recession, and long arduous months of lockdown. Despite so, we managed to find respite and count the little blessings. Come on in and take a journey down 2020 memory lane.
This is a recap of the past 3 years of #BestNine.

Haha, the numbers sort of dropped off a bit after I made my Instagram private, around some 2 years ago. But I think I shall make it public after this post for a while to see if my numbers pick up.

If you'd like to check out my Insta, feel free to give a follow <3 I'm at @starspangledsky

So here's my 2020 round-up (let's hope it makes up to a lucky number like last year's):

1. Celebrated NYE at an awesome house party at Shenton Way. Saw the fireworks from the top floor and also the drone show which was SO COOL!
2. Spent the first day of the new year at J's house, having fun with the giant inflatable floats at the pool and having cheese fondue.
3. Visited JB for the first time in years and had delicious danggui (it's a Chinese herb that good for women's health) roasted duck
4. HW's wedding - reunited with the CAPT bunnies!
5. Had delicious Italiano cuisine with the ladies at #Amo #Singapore
6. Spent weekends at #TanjongBeachClub with all the out-and-about friends
7. Went for my first #andsoforth theatre dinner experience with KM and friends!
8. V's wedding - remembered that that was 1 day after they announced the lockdown.
9. Celebrated S's birthday with all her colleagues + me lol
10. Celebrated my 29th at #Mitzo, at the Jellyfish Bar
11. Celebrated my birthday with my family at #Tunglok #Xihe - possibly the best Beijing roast duck in #Singapore?
12. Entered in #DavidChoe 's drawing competition and HE COMMENTED on my #Instagram post!!!
13. Picked up cooking. The first few dished I cooked was oven roasted seabass on veges, Chinese nourishing soup and grilled steak. Not too bad for someone who used to burn nuggets while frying them.
14. Started a #TikTok account. NGL it was quite difficult to learn how to edit videos.
15. Voted at the #GeneralElection2020. And had yummy tzechar after.
16. Cooked my first homemade Mala pot.
17. Started mixing yoghurt bowls - someone should start a yogurt bowl place!! Like yoghurt with sides such as pumpkin, chia seeds and fruit. I think it will be very popular.
18. Picked up drawing and sketching again. First piece was a surrealist portrait of a girl.
19. Met up with the Babes for the first time that year and found out M was preg!!! :O I literally screamed when I saw her.
20. Ate cajun boil for the first time :Q
21. Sent off D to his graduate program in USA, with N, A and E. Changi was literally a ghost town when we were there.
22. Started my new job!

Aaand... we end at 22 items! I know my lists are getting shorter, but 2020 was a COVID-19 year. I probably did not go anywhere for a good 3 months other than to the grocery store and the hawker center.

I have a few more posts planned, on beauty mostly - stay tuned for more!


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—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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