Apologies on the lateness of this post to the 10 of you that visit my blog (haha)! Been dealing with some issues for the past few weeks that perhaps I would share in another post. But for the month of July, this is what I have been up to.
Before we realised it, April has descended upon us. It's now Q2 of the year 2018. Little less than 7 months to go at the time of writing this! So what shenanigans has Sasha Bear been up to this month? Step inside for a look!
Starting off with a notice - I'm trying to update my blog at a fixed time every month, which will be from the 1st to 3rd, so keep a look out for that!
End November to early December contained a wealth of surprises, among which was that my long lost cousin from Shanghai, Kimberley or Zhang Jin which she is known, came to Singapore for a three week long holiday, mostly as a sabbatical and also to work on her novel/writing.
We interrupt this stream of daily debaucheries to present you with a piece of writing I unearthed from my tumblr (which after a quick check, is 7 YEARS OLD? It basically accompanied me through my university years). Written after I graduated from CAPT and was priming myself for my first job. (Also thoughts on starting a website just for my poetry and writing?)
In the blink of the eye, it is now the first day of September... I am so excited because I'm planning trips to HK, SH and Seoul in the remaining 4 months of the year. Anyway, that's a story for another time. These were my adventures in August.
Le vaping at the friend's house and then Kyo after:
So this post is all about what I've been up to in July this year. At a whopping 75 photos it's going to be a really picture-laden post so bear with me! Blogspot has this really annoying problem, which is that when you embed photos in the post they turn out really small and display really stretched and pixellated in the actual post. So I'm going to have to manually click the Large setting on all 75 photos. Le sigh.
Meet up with the oranges from CAPT!
Of Korean BBQs, Tomato Tequila shots, Crabs, Club Street, Flowers and selfies
Monday, May 09, 2016
Edit: Okay a slight heads up because this post is super long. It probably has like 50 pictures?
So... I basically dreamed that I had a blog and I woke up today deciding to create one just to fulfill that dream. IKR, it's super weird and random but oh well. I thought it'll be a great way to log down my memories since time has been passing really really quickly this year. In the blink of the eye it's like, almost March? So this is what I've been up to this year.
The pageants met up for our annual gathering and we went to Blue Jacket lounge (that's the speakeasy bar above Empire). It was sooo much fun oh my gosh. So some of the girls met up for dinner at Marco Marco first before we proceeded to drinks for the night. Was kind of anticipating the night to turn out subpar because so many people couldn't make it for dinner but almost everyone made it for post-dinner so that was awesome.