November and December Beauty Routine 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022

November, rolling into December, is always a period of rest and reflection for me. Other than the hustle and bustle of December and preparing for Christmas dinner, there are always parties to go to and people from the year to meet. And during this festive time, you definitely need to look your best, so I'll be sharing with you some beauty and make-up products I've been using this end of years! Come on in!

If you're looking for a beauty regiment that is simple, fuss-free, and relatively affordable (I've been using a lot of pharmacy brands!) then let me tell you some of the products I've been loving (with the affiliate links to follow - I use Shopee which ships to US, Asia, Latin America, and Europe).


Cleansing: Avita's Gel Cleanser
Toner: Eversoft Sakura Brightening Water and Olay Essence Water
Moisturiser: Watson Collagen Cream
Mask: My Beauty Diary Hyaluronic Sheet Mask


Soap: Wavertree and London French-Milled Soap
Body Wash: Olay B3 and Nianmiacide Brightening Body Wash
Body Lotion: Bath and Bodyworks Cherry Blossom Body Lotion


Shampoo: Essence 5 Shampoo and Sunsilk Silky Shampoo
Hair Growth: QS Activator by Avita
Conditioner: Watsons 7-in-1 Hair System for Damaged Hair
Hair Dryer: Dyson 8-in-1 Airwrap

Let me know in the comments below what products I should try! (P.S. none of the items in this post are sponsored!)

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—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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