Trying for Children? Here are 5 Fertility Secrets to Help You Get Pregnant.

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Today, I'll be talking about 5 quick tips to help women who want to be moms conceive. Some of them are tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), some are New Age, but ultimately they would help you in one way or another on your conception journey. Come on in!

1. Avoid cold drinks, and "cold" foods.

As TCM puts it, cold drinks are 'han' or cold, as opposed to 'heaty'. Avoid cold drinks, which might be overly han for your body, which is counter-productive to conception as a 'heaty' body constitution is more likely to get pregnant. Avoid "cold" fruits such as watermelon, apples, pears, bananas, oranges, persimmons and kiwi fruits. "Heaty" or neutral fruits such as peaches, logans, lychees, cherries and pineapples, grapes, hawthorn and plums are alright.

2. Detox your body: Avoid seafood, caffeine, smoking and alcohol.

Caffeine and seafood are just some of the foods pregnant women must avoid. For seafood, high amounts of mercury inside fish, crabs and shrimp might inhibit the growing baby's nervous system. Caffeine is a stimulant that is easily metabolised by adults but is detrimental to your growing child. And 'nuff said, so are cigarettes and alcohol, two types of stimulants that harm your health over time and accumulate in your body, which might then harm the health of your baby.

3. Take a pre-pregnancy vitamin.

These vitamins help to raise levels of folic acid, probiotics and more, helping your body adjust for an upcoming pregnancy. I recommend Swisse's range of pre-pregnancy vitamins as I have been taking their other supplements for collagen and overall women's health, and have found them to be pretty good!

4. Used electric heat bedding pads, and take frequent hot showers/soaks.

Similar to tip 1, these two methods help your body become less 'han' or cold, in TCM speak. Take often hot showers and soaks in the tub, helping nourish your body with warmth. You can even buy an electric heating pad for your bed if you switch on the air-conditioning or you live in a colder climate!

5. Drink drinks with wolfberries and red dates.

TCM ingredients like wolfberries and red dates help to replenish a woman's natural menstrual cycle and helps to replenish 'qi' or the Chinese word for chakra. These ingredients also helps to 补血 ‘buxue’ or replenish lost blood, as the woman ovulates every month. They also help to regulate your estrogen levels and are highly sought after by women in the 3rd trimester onwards, with some eating it daily.

So there you have it, 5 tips to help mothers who want to expect children! There are other add-on tips as well, such a doing yoga, meditation and avoiding stressful situations. Let me explain; yoga helps to regulate the chakra in the body, helping your natural bodily functions, especially when you focus on your sacral and root chakras. The same is also said for meditations focusing on the lower half of your body. (For this I recommend Spotify chakra meditation playlists which you can listen to before bed every day). Avoiding stressful situations (which can even include situations like extreme dieting and over-exertion through exercise and sports) will lower levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body and signal to your body that you are in a well-protected and calm environment, helping raise fertility levels.

So, what do you mamas think about these tips? Share with me down below if you know any good tips too! 👍

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