Osaka Traveloge Part 1.0

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Whew I'm finally back from Japan. The flight back was really tiring because the first flight to Shanghai delayed and we missed our connecting flight out to Singapore... :-( Going to break up the post into parts because there are way too many pictures to post all at once.

Took a connecting flight from Singapore to Shanghai and then Osaka. We spent the morning in Shanghai and spent some time with Grandmamaw and Grandpapaw at Hongqiao. :) Pictures from the morning there!

 Cute cat from the condo.

 The street at Grandma's place.

Breakfast at this awesome Shanghainese restaurant whose name I forgot. We spent the morning napping at my aunt's place after a really yummy breakfast.

 Pan-fried Baos!

Beef Noodles.

 Baby wontons.

 Walking back and came upon this vegetable wet market.

Lunch at our favourite neighbourhood haunt, which has turned into a seafood restaurant.

 Cute grandma!

 Posting some choice selection here. This is the braised pork belly.

 We call this Ee Do Xi, which means a soup cooked in pork broth. It's super umami and delicious.

 Cabbage! It was kinda bland though.

 Rice cakes, they were savoury and sweet at the same time.



 Finally arrived in Japan Saturday night. This was the first convenience store we stopped at near my Air BnB. The supermarts are so well-stocked, full do delicious goodies like onigiri (rice balls).


Osaka castle and the first glimpse of sakura! :))

 You can see all these people having hanami, which basically means a picnic underneath the sakura trees. There were people doing barbecues and playing badminton too.

 The sakura are sooo pretty.

 There were all these snack places peddling street food all along the park. I must've spent at least $30 sing just eating street food among all the days because they are literally at all the popular parks.

 Osaka castle in all it's glory. Was pretty packed so we had to queue for some places, like the lift to go up the castle.

The figurines commemorating a major battle that took place at the castle in the medieval era.

 View from the above!

 Settled down for lunch, which was basically a Chinese meal in a Japanese restaurant selling Chinese food.

 This is Dotonburi, which is the main shopping street in Osaka, it's like the Orchard Road there? It was closed when we got back so not much to see... Though we did explore it some other days.

 Love these two fools. I wanna travel alone with them someday.

Dinner at Osaka's number one ramen place. The queue was pretty long but they had a really good queue system going on (unlike the 1.5h that we had to wait in customs when we got to Osaka), with CCTVs all over the 5 floors of the restaurant. The other thing about Japan is that the buildings are all really narrow and short, because my dad tells me it's because of the earthquakes so they don't really build tall buildings? And there are really a lot of stairs in the subways, which are really confusing as well because they have two trains going in one direction and two trains for the other, so people can take the normal train, or the express one that skips certain stops.

Part two soon come.

P.S. I went out drinking on Friday and got so smashed I spent Saturday basically sleeping and trying t recuperate. Fullterton to Westin to a house party then Bingo Players at Zouk and then aimless wandering at Bang Bang. What a night. No pictures because I was too lazy to bring my bulky camera along but it's all on my snapchat. (Add me: starspangledsky)!

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