House party and Ultra

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hey ya! Just finished an Ultra tiring weekend at Ultra. Lol, see what I did there! Anyway Ultra Singapore was really really and I mean REALLY muddy. And crowded, the queues for food and drink barely moved for over 1 hour. But the music was, eh, OKAY i guess. Silly me for wearing Haviannas to a music festival with all that MUD but I guess that's a lesson learnt? YOU NEED HEAVY DUTY WELLINGTONS das what you need. So anyway starting off September with a house party:

 Trying to show BROMANCE.

 The view from the 60th floor.

 Inside the apartment.

 At zouk.

 Mathieu stop checking your phone!!

 I'm trying to be like

 This is so bad LOL.

Captions please. 

I need to understand how to make the settings on my camera for party photos.

 Probably too buzzed for words.


 "What, you still want to go to Bang Bang?"

OKIEDOKES now it's time for the Ultra Day 1 tickets. So my friend had additional tickets to Day 1 of Ultra and it was a mad rush because I only decided a day before I wanted to go... Pre-party's at Ben's again before all hell broke loose.

 We tried for an hour to get a table at this area but it was fruitless. Alas, the VIP gods were not shining their good fortune on us.

 Ultra Singapore was so pretty with MBS in the background.

 LOOK AT HOW HORRIBLE THE MUD IS... my ultimate fear and my biggest concern going to Ultra.

 This was during Alesso.

There the man is!

More gallivanting

 This is probably doing Afrojack. You see the problem of you going to a music festival the day before is that 1) you will have no idea who's playing so your friend has to whatsapp you the setlist and 2) you didn't do your homework beforehand so you don't know most of the songs playing. Negative 10 points to me for being such a non-dedicated festival goer.

 Come closer....



 So my slipper got stuck in the mud while trying to traverse the monstrosity of the main stage and i went to the resistant stage instead. and i bumped into the friend who helped me to get my ticket!!

 This hong kong fam was lit AF.

 viva italia!!

 i am obsessed with this confetti.

 the gogo dancers were sooo hot!

 me in the cab home... the traffic was so bad. took the cab 15min to find me and then i spent another 50min in the cab from bayfront back home?

Look at the damage ermahgerd. and this was AFTER i cleaned my feet up in the portaloo.

I can't believe I went to ultra seeing how last minute it was? and i probably saw a million people i knew there. haha.

Okay. gotta look for winter coats online now for my nov trip to europe (oh yeah we are putting hongkong and korea on hold because we are going to East Europe instead. YAS!)

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—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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