August and September, we're nearing Q4 2017!

Friday, October 06, 2017

In August and September, I sort of mellowed down a lot. Didn't go out on the weekday nights or weekends like I used to at the start of the year! I guess these two months were that of relaxation and reflection, as we slowly progress towards the last quarter of the year.


Vasco and the Yuki Onna with the Belle. We weren't satisfied with just one portion of food so we moved on to a second venue, which was yummy sashimi and beef truffle don!

Next, a perfectly delightful meal at Flutes at Singapore Art Museum (was it?). Pictured here are the Alaskan crab salad, tuna tataki, Atlantic scallops, ravioli, Chicken and bacon roulade with a charcoal meringue dessert.

Teppanyaki at Chjimes!

Buah Keluak and Keuh Paiti at Violet Oon's. It's a restaurant that serves fine dining Singaporean food!

Went to Potato Head Folk for their burgers and slaw. Was a fun night talking about work and play.

Pictured here is the set meal at Forum Seafood on Boat Quay. Really value for money - we always get this once a week! Comes with a 4 course meal for SGD10.80++ per pax.

That day at Lucha Loco! Had the ice cream pie/crepe sort of thing and their lime margarita (I always get this).

Ciao! On to the month of September.


Had this gravity-defying cocktail at El Mero Mero at Chjimes.

This was when I was invited to a gala dinner thrown on behalf of NUS Giving beneficiaries! Kind of random but it was nice to see all the generous faces that gave back to my Alma Mater.

On the way home one day - the sky was amazing.

F1 weekend, met up with YB who brought this major Taiwanese celeb along - Mike He. I remember I used to watch a lot of his dramas when I was younger. My Grandma is a huuuuge fan! Haha.

Out with the #chesashimi - to Folklore, a peranakan resto.

Had the buakeluak fried rice, pork belly sitr-fry and assam fish curry. Also not pictured here is their chillied chicken thigh.

To Orchid Country Club! Checking out our accommodations for when the house goes under renovation at the end of the month. 

Had the Japanese food there, at a restaurant called Himawari. Pretty awesome food!

Sashimi set.

Are you getting Stylenanda vibes from this one?

Last of all is BL's belated birthday celebration and mid-autumn festival get together at the new Putien that opened near to us. We had a scrumptious feast that day!

Alright, here ends my August and September roundup. As we speak, there has been so much misfortune in the world and cruelty to our friends around the world. In contrast, my life seems to be very carefree and frivolous compared to the people that are suffering the after effects of earthquakes, typhoons, political strife, and mass shootings. I urge you to consider donating to the victims of these events and to also stay safe and motivated to survive the obstacles thrown in your path. Godspeed and I wish you the best of luck from the remaining 3 months of the year!

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“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”

—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

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