5 small things part 2

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Artwork Credit: 모어센스 MoreSense

5 Small Things Part 3: September Check-in! 5 Small Things is a series that I've started to document and give thanks to the small things that I've encountered during the week. Come on in for an early September check-in~

  1. Discovered a new series that I've started to watch, called Yanxi Palace. It's about an imperial maid's ascension to a Chinese palace consort, and also about her tale of revenge for her sister. It's a murder mystery and palace intrigue series all-in-one. So far I'm at episode 7 and it's getting interesting. In fact, the series has renewed my interest in embroidery. Am thinking of getting some pieces of embroidery art.
  2. Which leads me to my second discovery, Luneville embroidery, or a Shanghainese French embroidery outfit called Luneville. I really like embroidery such as French and Suzhou embroidery. The difference between both are the embroidery handiwork and the use of materials, such as sequins. Am thinking of buying some pieces from there to decorate my room and work space!
  3. Caught this Chinese film at Plaza Singapura the other day by the Chinese actor Huangbo. It also stars Zhang Yixin from ex-Korean boyband EXO, and famous Chinese actress Shuqi. It's about a company of colleagues who are marooned on a deserted island after a meteorite causes a tsunami that sends their bus into a tiffy, and they start their little microcosm of society. It's comedy, absurdist fiction and philosophy all rolled into one with many storylines ongoing. Great as Huangbo's first directorial debut.
  4. Had tzechar with the 'rents over the weekend. For all of our foreign friends wondering what's tzechar (pronounced ze-char), it's a sort of restaurant that you can find at a hawker center with a slew of Singaporean-Chinese, that's Cantonese, Hokkien and Teochew-style food. Quite value-for-money although a bit small on the ambiance as it is in a hawker center. (A hawker center is like a place where you have little stalls of Singaporean food and you can take a seat at the common tables after buying from the stalls.)
  5. Seems a little bit silly to say this, but I'm really enjoying the weather these days. It's really breezy after the rains, and the sky is very clear with luminous cloud cover. I love the way the sun lights up the clouds and creates patterns in the sky. What with sunspots causing many cities to hit 40 degrees in the past month or so, Singapore is lucky to have lots of rain cover during our "monsoon" season. (Isn't it strange? We used to have raging storms all the time during my childhood - I remember in the 90s we couldn't even switch on the TV or use the phone in a storm for fear of tripping the wires. Now, the rains are much subdued.)
Did you notice a little change? My activities this week is all quite Eastern-oriented. I wonder if there's a change in my orientation to warrant this change. Recently, I've been exploring the New Age and astrology for answers to my worries and questions. Wonder if there's a surprise in store as well - I've also been feeling quite meta these days!

P.S. 你们觉得我因该开始用华语写博客吗?我知道国外的朋友可能看不懂,但是我会尽量。I've been wondering if I should start typing in Mandarin for some of my foreign friends, I know my family who is reading this would be happy! I will try my best~

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