Hola at you readers! It's me, Sasha Bear here - and today we're FINALLY going to post about my trip to the Balkans circa October 2019. I hope this post cheers you up in these trying times due to the coronavirus, as I bring you on a tour around Europe in the dulcet tones of autumn. Come on in to read more!
A little late to the game for a 2019 throwback but the last quarter of last year has been so hectic that I didn't have time to post! So here's a 2019 recap of what I've been up to last year! Come on in~
5 Luxury Items Every Lady Should Own - Hermes, Cartier, Bvlgari, Tiffany
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ah... Breakfast at Tiffany's - the quintessential story about a middle-classed girl yearning for social mobility, has entered the Zeitgeist. One can only dream about the type of upbringing a sweet young thing who jet sets to the Hamptons or drives Cadillac to her classes in high school. It doesn't hurt to dream and aspire towards a better life for oneself, no?
Today's article will be exactly about you, that glassy-eyed, gamine, working-class girl who is thinking of buying a few pieces of jewellery, or accessories, for school, work and play. What are some of the pieces of accessories you should own? Click on the 'Continue Reading' to find out.
Whew! Apologies for the hiatus the past few months. It has been hectic to say the least. Here's a post to make up for the lack of updates in November and December. A 2018 recap post~ come on in!
How to Get Rid of Comedones/Whiteheads + Back Acne/"Backne" + Rosacea + Eczema + Dermatitis (MIRACLE PRODUCT + Save Money!)
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Hi friends. Today I am going to talk about a new product, which, to be fair, I have chanced upon before but never paid attention to, until recently where I had some flare-ups of skin problems. I am going to put it up front and tell you this "Miracle Product" that solves so many problems for me and my family members - Japanese Hot Spring Bath Salts! Comedones/Whiteheads, Back Acne, Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis. These are just some of the conditions that this really value-for-money, pharmacy product can cure... Let me try my best to explain how this product works in my post: